2017079 Noord Kaap Mini2
29th Aug, 2017 - Doubles Sign-In will close at 13:30 on Friday 1 September. Please make sure you sign in for doubles as soon as you get to the venue, even if you are not playing singles on the day you need to sign in for doubles.
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
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Congratulations and thank you on a very well organised tournament! The tournament arrangements are getting better every time it is presented. Match scheduling and control was very good. Thank you to all the friendly officials. The addition of the prize giving functions are great and gives something extra to the event. I will recommend this tournament to anyone. Keep up the good work.

Dankie vir n great toernooi! Gaan verseker weer inskryf vir die vlg toernooi. Alles was goed georganiseerd en die mense in beheer van toernooi was baie vriendelik

Very well organized.
Prize giving at the end, rounds it off nicely.
Prize giving at the end, rounds it off nicely.

Where & When
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8300
South Africa
Memorial Road Area
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
New Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8300
South Africa
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Fri 1st Sep, 2017
12:00am to 7:00pm
Sat 2nd Sep, 2017
9:00am to 7:00pm
Sun 3rd Sep, 2017
9:00am to 7:00pm
Fri, Aug 18th 2017 11:45pm
Tuine Tennis Club
1 Boshof RdKimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8300
South Africa
Diamantveld High
2 Voortrekker StMemorial Road Area
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Lapesa Tennis Club
43 Lawson StNew Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8300
South Africa
Park Tennis Club
23 Carrington WayKlisser
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
170 Du Toitspan RdBelgravia
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Sanctioned Event
Tournament Officials
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