20209 Noord Kaap Mini 2 (Noord Kaap Players only)
27th Aug, 2020 - Please click on the link and fill this form in online. Please make sure to submit the form at the end. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZg-s4shD4RRW1xCK4iyhwx1_3pet7vpp1DrssGPIIqOLYPw/viewform?usp=pp_url
27th Aug, 2020 - Please fill in the form online. Click on the link below and be sure to submit the form at the end. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdIF0YI0PDB921TvY0NFftL-ikSL4Fp0f158Xap14FB-lLBxQ/viewform?usp=pp_url
BS 18Unpublished
BS 14Unpublished
GS 16Unpublished
GS 14Unpublished
Recent Results
GS 12 Gold

GS 12 Gold

GS 12 Gold

BS 10
Alexander Hodgson (NC)
Sebastiaan Erasmus (NC)

BS 10

BS 10

GS 10

GS 10

GS 10
Mia Du Preez (NC)
Lija Holtzhausen (NC)

BS 12
[2] Bogdan Mandic (FS)
6-2, 3-6, 10-4
BS 12 Gold

GS 12

GS 12 Gold
Carla Kuhn (NC)
Dani Fourie (NC)
6-3, 6-4

BS 10

GS 10
[2] Minka van Pletzen (NC)
[1] Lara Olivier (NC)

GS 10

GS 10

GS 10
Clara Esterhuizen (NC)
Rése Delport (NC)
GS 10

* U14 & U16 and Open will play on the 4th,5th,6th September
* U10 & U12 will play on the 11th,12th, 13th September
1. Mini-Series events will be played on a rating basis as the rankings will remain frozen until the return to major events i.e. Grand Prix, Growthpoints;
2. The Mini-Series are being held as a way to encourage match practice and played as rating events due to inter provincial travel not being permitted;
3. Initially the Mini Series will be played within the District i.e. Gauteng North only to play within Gauteng North and will not be able to enter events in Gauteng East;
4. Tennis needs to be able to show a slow return to events and to be able to manage low numbers of players at a time;
5. TSA will be releasing a calendar on a 6 to 8 week period to avoid unnecessary cancelling of events due to uncertainty over the revised school holidays and when inter provincial travel will be permitted;
6. The Junior Nationals in September is being postponed and further announcement will be made once more certainty is available concerning travel and school calendars;
* U10 & U12 will play on the 11th,12th, 13th September
1. Mini-Series events will be played on a rating basis as the rankings will remain frozen until the return to major events i.e. Grand Prix, Growthpoints;
2. The Mini-Series are being held as a way to encourage match practice and played as rating events due to inter provincial travel not being permitted;
3. Initially the Mini Series will be played within the District i.e. Gauteng North only to play within Gauteng North and will not be able to enter events in Gauteng East;
4. Tennis needs to be able to show a slow return to events and to be able to manage low numbers of players at a time;
5. TSA will be releasing a calendar on a 6 to 8 week period to avoid unnecessary cancelling of events due to uncertainty over the revised school holidays and when inter provincial travel will be permitted;
6. The Junior Nationals in September is being postponed and further announcement will be made once more certainty is available concerning travel and school calendars;
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Great to be back on the courts again! Thank you for a great event and superb arrangement under the very frustrating Covid regulations. Job well done!
I would like to make one suggestion for the u/10 draws. I understand that it is a bit of a "blind" draw as the players are not yet experienced and not ranked. But for this tournament, I feel that players were unfortunately not evenly matched, and very good players were outranked by more inexperienced newbies by the "luck of the draw". My own child was one that had the advantage of the draw, but she is still very new and young, and I think there were much better players that ended up below her in the competition.
I would like to suggest that the draw take into consideration the Northern Cape Provincial Team ranking lists, as there was a lot of trails and matches leading up to those rankings, and it could give a good indication on player strength for a under 10 draw, until such time that they have enough TSA games to assist in setting up a fair draw.
Great to be back on the courts again! Thank you for a great event and superb arrangement under the very frustrating Covid regulations. Job well done!
I would like to make one suggestion for the u/10 draws. I understand that it is a bit of a "blind" draw as the players are not yet experienced and not ranked. But for this tournament, I feel that players were unfortunately not evenly matched, and very good players were outranked by more inexperienced newbies by the "luck of the draw". My own child was one that had the advantage of the draw, but she is still very new and young, and I think there were much better players that ended up below her in the competition.
I would like to suggest that the draw take into consideration the Northern Cape Provincial Team ranking lists, as there was a lot of trails and matches leading up to those rankings, and it could give a good indication on player strength for a under 10 draw, until such time that they have enough TSA games to assist in setting up a fair draw.

Where & When
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
New Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Hadison Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
New Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Fri 4th Sep, 2020
1:30pm to 7:00pm
Sat 5th Sep, 2020
8:00am to 7:00pm
Sun 6th Sep, 2020
8:00am to 7:00pm
Fri 11th Sep, 2020
1:30pm to 7:00pm
Sat 12th Sep, 2020
8:00am to 7:00pm
Sun 13th Sep, 2020
8:00am to 7:00pm
Fri, Aug 28th 2020 11:45pm
Park Tennis Club
23 Carrington WayKlisser
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Adamantia High
Black StNew Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Eureka Primary
6 Klisser RdHadison Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Newton Primary
95 Halkett RdNew Park
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Victoria Tennis Club
13 Hirschhorn WayCassandra
Kimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
Elizabeth Conradie School
Elcon )
South RidgeKimberley, Northern Cape, Northern Cape 8301
South Africa
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