2023138 EDEN Mini Masters
3rd Dec, 2023 - Good morning everyone.....courts will be ready for play at both venues on sheduled times....good luck to all the players for their last matches today....kind regards... Hein
3rd Dec, 2023 - Good morning everyone....play starts as sheduled at both venues....please make sure of your venue for today.....good luck to all players....kind regards....Hein
2nd Dec, 2023 - Hi everyone Please note the venue changes for some age groups. Please make sure of your venue. Kind regards Hein
1st Dec, 2023 - Please note that the Great Tennis shop (at the Great courts and 139 Mitchell street) will be open for restringing until Saterday 2/12/2023 at 13:00. Thx
1st Dec, 2023 - Good morning everyone....welcome to the 2023 addition of the Eden Masters....just like to say good luck to all the players....enjoy.....Hein
29th Nov, 2023 - Hi again everyone.....just last minute adjustments needed....draw will be out by 15:00 today....sorry about this..... Kind regards.... Hein
29th Nov, 2023 - Good morning everyone.....the draw will be out today no later than 2 o'clock....I would just like to ask players that made arrangements with us to play late on Friday to make sure I didn't forget to take that into consideration.....everbody will play a match on Friday....thank you for your cooperation.....appreciate it..... Hein

George, Western Province, City of Cape Town - Bellville, Western Cape 6529
South Africa
George, Western Province, Western Cape
South Africa
George, Western Province, Western Cape
South Africa